Cultural Events

Rules and Regulations for the Participants
- Each team should have 3 participants.
Round 1 -TUNE WAR
- A short tune will be played. After completion, the team needs to guess the song within 10 seconds. If not guessed, it will be passed on to the next team and the team will lose the point.
- After guessing the tune correctly, the team has to sing one stanza.
- 10 points for correct guessing.
- One word would be given to the team and that team would have to sing one stanza of a song, having the given word.
- The given word must come in one stanza.
- The team would have to sing only one song in one minute’s time.
- The songs must be sung at their original speed, not faster.
- Every correct song will get 10 points.
- Different words would be given to each team.
- Elimination will be done on the points earned in this round.
- Every team will be given a sequence of emoji and whoever presses the buzzer first, will get a chance to answer first.
- We will have 10 emoji questions, each question carrying 10 points.
- At least one stanza of song should be sung by the chosen team.
- There will be no negative marks.
- In case two teams press the buzzer at the same time – a rapid fire question will be asked to both the teams and the first come will be preferred first.
- If any team doesn’t press the buzzer but identifies the song and prompts it loudly, it will not be considered.
- If any team identifies the song but does not know the lyrics, it will not be considered and the opposite team will be given the chance.
- Asking outsiders for help will be considered as breaching the rules and the team will be disqualified.
Entry Fee : 200/- per Team
1st Prize : Rs. 1500
2nd Prize : Rs. 1000

Rules and Regulations for the Participants
- Min 3 Minutes and Max 4 mins.
- No music on cell is allowed. Only pen drive is allowed.
- Reporting time 2 hrs. before the start of the competition for all the participants.
- Carry your own instruments, props, material, karaoke set, pen drive which needs to be handed over well in advance.
- Management decency to be maintained in song selection, costumes, dance steps. Any vulgarity found in song, language, costumes or steps, would be disqualified.
- If the participants have any unique requirements, they should be made known well in advance so that the institute can make the necessary arrangements.
- Judges decision will be final
- There will be only 2 prize-winners (1st and 2nd).
- Only one round will be conducted.
Entry Fee : 200/- per Team
1st Prize : Rs. 2500
2nd Prize : Rs. 1500